Sorry about my prolonged absence but I have just been so busy and am still working between two laptops! DH bought me a new one for Christmas as my old one kept telling me I had a hard drive problem but after a couple of weeks the wifi stopped working so the only way I could get onto the internet was to use a cable. This hasn't proved to be very good as every time I moved my laptop the cable fell out. In the end I had to reinstall all my work etc back onto my old laptop so I could carry on working. After many searches of the internet and much talking with HP it has resulted in him doing a complete back up of my new laptop and reinstalling of Windows. He is now in the process of installing everything back on to the new one (and the old one still keeps shutting down on me and still has the hard drive problem!) so hopefully this week I should be back to normal. I have been missing FB messages and emails so if you have been trying to contact me then I apologise. Please leave me a message and I will get back to you asap. As well as the dicky laptop I have a dicky printer too so am having to use DH's printer at the mo to print out my work. Oh and to top it all, my mobile keeps freezing too, I have to take the battery out and leave it for a while then put it back in and reboot it. I don't know what I've done but technology and I just aren't getting along at the moment and I thought it was all supposed to make for an easier life lol
So I must have made hundreds of cards and wedding bits since I was last here! We have had a few new Kanban kits too so lots of samples have been made, which is why I'm here today. The new kit is called Hugs and Kisses and is exclusive to Create and Craft as the weekender. You get 100 pieces in total and there is a £10 saving on the normal price plus free p&p which is another saving of £2.99! The design team got the kit to play with a couple of weeks ago and have come up with loads of different samples between us. I will start my samples off by showing you two ways in which I used the die cut pop up boxes. I used one in the usual way then made a gift box with another. The nice thing about these boxes is that they are all double sided and some are foiled too, it's a lovely kit.

The remaining shows are at 2 pm, 7 pm and 9 pm today, I hope you can drop by and take a look.
Thanks for dropping by and I WILL be back tomorrow :) (I'm going to schedule my post now as my grandson is coming to stay tonight.)