Welcome to my new page for the Wrap Up A Kiddie charity knit! The idea for this was born in the Swiss Alps by a wonderful lady called Nicki whose web site is http://sharingcolourandcomfort.webs.com/ where you can read how she became involved with the charity in the first place. If you want to know more about this wonderful charity then take a look here http://www.kidsco.org.uk/our-work/colour-a-childs-life
The idea for my page is that I will be keeping you up to date with all my knitting activities and those of all the lovely people who donate wool and buttons and of course, my fabulous knitters and where our goodies finally end up.....The ArchesWrap up a kiddie this winter
Many of the children who receive our gifts have very little warm weather clothing at all. We make and donate scarves, hats and mittens to help them stay a little warmer though the cold winter months.
Do you knit?
Do your sew?
Do you have unwanted scarves & hats
cluttering your cupboards?
cluttering your cupboards?
If yes, please get in touch -
anything you can knit, sew or donate
would be warmly received!
anything you can knit, sew or donate
would be warmly received!
*** NEW *** *** NEW *** *** NEW *** *** NEW *** *** NEW *** *** NEW ***
A brand new unit for "Mothers and Babies" is due to open shortly
at The Arches.
We are knitting & sewing baby clothes, cot blankets, comforters,
mini quilts etc suitable for new borns and tiny tots.
mini quilts etc suitable for new borns and tiny tots.
If you can help with this project,
please get in touch NOW-
every tiny little thing helps.
Thank you.
every tiny little thing helps.
Thank you.
If you knit to a decent standard and fancy donating some of your precious time to knit the odd item for me (unfortunately I can't afford to pay you for the knitting!), please contact me and I can send you some wool. My email address is on my side bar.
I sent a rather large parcel today containing all the goodies under the November heading and my darling hubby paid the postage for me as his contribution :)
We have another large parcel which will be collected tomorrow by our lovely courier. Yet again I am overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of people wanting to help with the Kids Co Wrap Up A Kiddie so on behalf of the 'Kids' I would like to say a huge thank you to all who help us. I've had a couple of large deliveries of wool in the last few weeks too so will add those to the donations page tomorrow.
I'm just waiting on another jumper from MiL (Wendy) then I'll send this little lot off ready to start again for June :)
Thank you ladies for your support it is really appreciated by everyone concerned. If anyone would like to donate any wool or buttons then please get in tough.....we don't refuse anything as long as it is in good condition :)
See you next month.xMy auntie decided last month that she wanted to help with the Kids and Co donations but she can't knit any more has she has arthritis in her hands so she decided to sew instead. She has always been the dress maker in the family and this is what she came up with (the two on the March page were hers too :)

Stacey (freecycle)
Wendy (MiL)
Wendy (mil)
February 2010