I was just browsing through the Allsorts week #4 challenge the other day and noticed the following paragraph
"We cant wait to see your entries this week and don't forget any type of crafter can enter Allsorts challenges whether your craft is knitting, crocheting, crossstitching, dressmaking, altered art , painting or papercrafting we would love to see your creations"
I wouldn't have thought about entering anything but a paper craft project until I saw that so without further ado here's one I finished on Tuesday evening :) So I am now going to enter it into the Allsorts week 4 challenge.
It's to be sent off to the Kids Company, along with several other, within the next few days and as soon as I get chance to photograph and update them, they will be on the Wrap Up A Kiddie 2012 page at the top of my blog.
Thanks for looking :)