Well better late than never!
Twice I have written my 'article' to bring my blog up to date, gone to find something else, forgotten to save it and lost the blooming lot.
I couldn't do anything last week as I was quite poorly and ended up in A & E. I won't go into details but it scared me. I was out of action for most of the week and still get very tired. It certainly wasn't the start to the new year that I was hoping for. Never mind though, I am almost back to normal (whatever normal is!)
Christmas was very quiet as it was just hubby and I during the day, but we all got some brill pressies. The kids came back at tea time as we went to my parents on Boxing day. It was my dad's 70th birthday and as the whole family was there, we had a lovely day. DH was working on New Year's Eve (he DJs at a local hotel) so I went with him. We booked a room and stayed the night too which was lovely. Mum and Dad came for dinner on New Years Day which was nice too.
The run up to Christmas was busy for me this year as I had quite a few wedding orders which made a nice change from Christmas cards. I also made my first altered canvas for my brother and sister in law. I was really pleased with it. What do you think?

Another first for me was an exploding box, which I did as part of mum and dad's Christmas pressies. Again I was really pleased with it and all the family were impressed!

A special friend was 40 on the 7th January and you can't make a card without the numbers on can you? Rather than plaster it with large numbers, which was my first intention, I decided to go for the subtle approach. Thankfully she liked it. LOL
And finally, my bit of good news to finish off last year was that I was voted a runner up in 2 categories in Quick Cards Made Easy card maker of the year for 2006. I was so pleased. I will have to aim higher this year LOL.
I am taking part in my first ever Circle Journal organised by Mel on the CBC forum and am thoroughly enjoying it. I'm not sure that my pages are as good as the others. The standard of work is soooo high, but it is fun and I am taking part which I would never have done 12 months ago.
Well I must ge back to work now as I have 2 wedding orders to do and a Golden Wedding Anniversary party/Renewal of Vows to organise which I am really enjoying.
So there you are, another load of waffle to bore you rigid.