Sunday, June 26, 2011

Teas Up!

What a fab day we have had today. I've been outside since 9 o'clock this morning. I made myself a coffee and brought the papers out and st and read them, hubby got up and made us a bacon sandwich and then I started weeding. What an uphill climb that is. I have really neglected the garden since I opened the shop and the weeds are unbelievable, some of them reach about 3' high!! There are usually frogs hiding in amongst the long grass but we don't seem to have any this year, I don't know where they've all gone as we had loads of frog spawn. I hate the blooming things (and slugs) and always wear gloves in case I accidentally touch one. I was weeding round a huge hosta (cos I forgot to split them last year!!) and thought I had caught hold of a bramble. When I moved the leaves to see why it wouldn't budge it was a big fat hedgehog laid asleep....I don't know who was more shocked, it or me lol I've planted up some planters and baskets and it has all been watered so it's job well done. I have only managed to weed one side and across the bottom though. Our back garden measures approx. 140' long so it's like painting the forth bridge. Plenty of time to do the rest :)

I've had a shower and washed my hair and am now sat on the patio in my pjs with a cup of coffee and my lap top. DH and DD2 are both out and have been since 1.30 and DS is holed up in his room moaning about the heat. It's just me out here in the quiet and there is just a gentle breeze blowing.

So onto why my post is called Tea's Up....Anice at Funky Hand has just added a new download to the web site and yes, it's called Tea's Up and it can be downloaded from the web site. 

Myself and my team mates have had the download to play with for a few days so we could make some samples to show you how versatile it is.

I hope you like them.

Thanks for reading.

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